Police killer’s steps carefully retraced
Rachel Maddow traces, step-by-step, the series of events that led to the shocking shooting death of two New York City police officers, and the disturbed history of the shooter, Ismaaiyl Brinsley.
Based on the events of what happened it seems likely that the guy knew the cops would come after him for shooting his ex-girlfriend, so he decided to be the first to strike. He must have chosen NY as some sort of statement because it was in the news (which it wouldn't be in the first place if the GOP's and Fox News's political strategy didn't compel them to attack every black justice case with smearing creating large divisions in society of people who can see what's happening and others who can only see through the prism of Traitor Inc. i.e. Fox News & their allies). So this whole societal breakdown situation is not just an outcome of the GOP's political strategy but also it's intended consequence as they intend to win votes through getting people to switch sides to them using this controversy. The cop thing with the Mayor on NY is just a bonus for them at this point.
The guy was probably affected by his shooting of two human beings, flipped out (as would be normal for someone with a conscience) and killed himself... unless killing himself was his plan all along. Which is possible.
What's clear is that all the shootings can be traced to the GOP in some way. To their overall societal breakdown strategy OR to specific people or groups they happen to be targeting.
With the Trayvon Martin case, they got the Florida GOP prosecutor to throw the case (GOP have no problems following orders, I'll give them that... 'just torture em till we get the answer we want'... like a true cult they are). Thejudge & congresswoman they were targeting, or the gay guys they must have gotten beat up or killed (most killings aren't covered by the media). The Newtown shooter was an NRA member, who have been acting crazy for a while. The Sikh temple shooter was a traumatized vet who was obviously influenced the right wing rhetoric on Muslims since 9/11 as per their "foreign enemy" strategy of deception (a historically very popular one). Anders Brevick was obviously influenced by the same anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant rhetoric that the right wing politicians bank on for their votes and are using this sort of destructive influence almost casually and out of hand, on the spur of the moment.
Cops are also getting killed with this war on the economy, US society (with thier attacks on unions, infrastructure that keeps us going, etc.). I'm actually kinda surprised the death rates are so low given how long this war on America has lasted & the societal breakdown it's caused so far (from Nixon's making attacking non-whites a tradition to his war on drugs which the CIA was involved in on the supply side,literally.... which also seems to have become a tradition). I guess that's the result of focusing on imprisoning most of the population to use for profits in their private prisons (how can cops providing a public service be sending people into private prisons?) or cheap labor rather than focusing on how the economy works in the long run (all they do is spout incorrect theories as the solution to our financial problems that they created in the first place).
... but then again, maybe the death rate isn't as low as it seems.
Kudos GOP, inheritors of Reagan's treason. Selling America to the rich entrepreneurs and criminals, while committing international crimes in the name of democracy...
1. Extract: Two of the most persistent offensives of the Reagan presidency have been the war against communism in Central America and the war on drugs here at home.
But investigations of America's secret war in Nicaragua have revealed mounting evidence that the Central Intelligence Agency has been fighting the Contra war with the help of international drug traffickers.
It is not a new story.
Tonight's FRONTLINE investigation traces the CIA's involvement with drug lords back to the agency's birth following World War II. It is a long history that asks this question: "In the war on drugs, which side is the CIA on?"
2. Bill Moyers: Secret Government _ The Constitution In Crisis (FULL):
NYPD animosity toward mayor unprecedented
Eric Adams, former NYPD captain, talks with Steve Kornacki about the unprecedented displays of animosity by New York City police officers toward Mayor Bill de Blasio over his support of protests against police misconduct.
at 1:35 - 'you did' i.e. the problems were created by the Mayor. A newbie to the political scene. A very simplistic view for a cop with responsibilities it might seem. Problem, again, is the media.
He doesn't cover who started the rhetoric that it was the protesters that caused the problem. I know Rudy Guliani was out there blaming protesters in line with GOP policy of protesting & demonizing the non zombified part of the population.
The Case for Indicting the Murdochs for Treason (*as per The US Constitution)
With The Rider Traitor Inc. Slipped Into The Spending Bill... The GOP Is Making It Clear That They Are Determined To Destroy The Economy.