1. Talking Points: Executive Order & Government Shutdown Hypocrisy By The GOP
2. An Introduction To Tom Coburn's Deceptions - The Tornado Shelter Decoys
3. Keystone XL: Tom Coburn Betrays Citizens Private Property Rights For A Private Company & A Democrat Lies For Her Senate Seat Proving Dems Stand For Nothing
4. Rant: Lessons On How To Subvert Justice Gleaned From The Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown & Other Cases
Tom Coburn:
Country's going to go nuts because they are going to see it as a move outside of the authority of the President and it's going to be a very dangerous situation. You're going to see, hopefully not, you can see instances of anarchy. You could see violence.
Rachel Maddow ‘Breathtaking’ lack of humanity in right-wing media regard for immigrants - Rachel Maddow remarks on the inhumanity with which right-wing media is treating immigrants in American in the wake of President Obama’s announcement of reform measures.
Article from Huffingtgon Post:
O'Reilly Repeatedly Demonized Abortion Provider Dr. George Tiller And Then Lied About It After Tiller Was Murdered
• O'Reilly Repeatedly Referred To Tiller As "The Baby Killer." [6/2/09]
• In 2006, O'Reilly Sent His Producer To "Confront" The "Doctor Known As Tiller The Baby Killer." [11/8/06]
• In 2007, O'Reilly Again Sent A Producer To Ambush The "Doctor Known As Tiller The Baby Killer." [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 6/12/07]
• After Tiller Was Murdered, O'Reilly Repeatedly Falsely Claimed He Had Only Reported What Other Groups Called Tiller. [6/2/09]
• O'Reilly Subsequently Accused Joan Walsh Of Having "Blood On Her Hands" For Defending Tiller. [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 6/12/09]
• In 2012, O'Reilly Was Still Claiming That "What Tiller Was Doing Was Murder." [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 3/1/12]
O'Reilly Has Made Anti-Immigrant Statements
• O'Reilly Scapegoated Undocumented Immigrants And Public Employees For California's Budget Problems. [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 11/18/11]
• O'Reilly Proposed "More Prisons" To Curtail Undocumented Immigration. [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 11/16/11]
• O'Reilly Smeared La Raza As "A Pretty Radicalized Group" That Opposes "Any Kind Of Border Security." [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 7/27/11]
• O'Reilly: "The Constitution Is Being Misused" By The Parents Of "Anchor Babies."[Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 1/6/11]
• O'Reilly Falsely Claimed That Undocumented Immigrants Don't Pay Taxes. [3/10/10]
• O'Reilly wondered whether children of Mexican immigrants in U.S. "have any kind of traditional value system" or are "setting up Acapulco North" [8/18/06]
O'Reilly Has A History Of Using Nazi Analogies To Demonize Opponents
• O'Reilly: Liberals Who Support Gun Control Are "Totalitarians" Like Hitler. [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 3/2/10]
• O'Reilly: Huffington Post Uses "Same Exact Tactics That The Nazis Used." [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 3/5/08]
• O'Reilly: "I Don't See Any Difference Between [Arianna] Huffington And The Nazis."[Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 2/27/08]
• O'Reilly: Daily Kos Is "Like The Nazi Party." [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 7/16/07]
• O'Reilly Compared Tim Robbins' Comments To Those Of "Von Ribbentrop In The Nazi Hierarchy." [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 12/13/07]
• O'Reilly Compared Michael Moore's "Power" To What "Happened In Nazi Germany."[Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 7/28/04]
O'Reilly Has A History Of Making Racially Charged Statements
• O'Reilly Dismissed Racist Chant As A "Sporting Arena Taunt." [3/24/12]
• O'Reilly Joked: How Will The Obama Administration Reach Out To African Americans? "Are They Going To Be On Soul Train?" [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 12/6/11]
• O'Reilly Asked, "[S]hould White Americans Be Concerned About Judge Sotomayor?"[Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 7/13/09]
• O'Reilly, On His Now-Defunct Non-Fox Affiliated Radio Program, "Couldn't Get Over The Fact That There Was No Difference" Between Harlem Restaurant And Other New York City Restaurants. [Westwood One, The Radio Factor, 9/19/07]
• O'Reilly Said "White Americans Are Terrified" To Compliment Blacks Out Of Fear "They May Be Taken As Condescension." [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 2/5/07]
• O'Reilly Opposed "Clustering" Of Mexicans. [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 7/31/07]
Who Is Bill Targeting? Crazy people with guns who will listen to them & Kill Immigrants For Them So People Like Tom Coburn Can Be Proved Right. The Following is a List of How Common Killing In The US Is (Not Covered On TV Media... I Think the Excuse Is That "It's not a mass murder so who cares/not-as-important.")
Slate partners with @GunDeaths for an interactive, crowdsourced tally of the toll firearms have taken since Dec. 14.