The Trans-Pacific Partnership takes center stage in the New Year, as President Obama plans to take action on trade agreements. Ed Schultz, Rep. Jan Schakowsky and Larry Cohen discuss.
At 45 secs: "Most of his (Obama's) party is unenthusiastic about international trade, we think it's good for America" Mitch McConnel. He used the key word to make it sound good "international trade" since that has connotations of being something that would benefit all citizens in a normal economy & not just the multi-billion dollar corporations giving these traitors money.
The "we think it's good for America" part reminds me of the warning not to be fooled by 'noble words/phrases'
'Being a "winner" for America' McConnell probably is about boosting the profits of big corporations.
How can any of these polices be considered to be patriotic? They are the very opposite of patriotic. Sending jobs abroad, supporting slave labor practices, reducing the effectiveness of American Manufacturing. This is a part of the GOP's treason wrapped in a colorful wrapper.
PBS: Lobbyists, Big Money, and Big Government
From Bill;
Lobbying Moves into the Shadows
The Lobbying-Industrial Complex Strikes Again
An “Army of Lobbyists” Is Quietly Fighting for Budget-Busting Corporate Tax Breaks
Winner Take All Politics:
Analysis Of The NYPD Shooting, In Context
Ebola; The Perfect Example Of How The GOP Is Reacting Out Of Fear Rather Than Through Reason & Science (GOP Are Basically The Anti -Science Party!)
The Tom Coburn Deceptions - Pretending "The Budget Problem" Hasn't Already Been Disproven By Economists
BREAKING NEWS: Conservatives ARE The Zombie Apocalypse!
The Economic Recovery Has Grown So Much Over The Last Few Years That It Can No Longer Be Denied By The Republicans SO They Are Claiming To Have Caused It, Despite Their Efforts To Destroy The Economy
With The Rider Traitor Inc. Slipped Into The Spending Bill... The GOP Is Making It Clear That They Are Determined To Destroy The Economy.
Talking Points: Executive Order & Government Shutdown Hypocrisy By The GOP
Are The GOP Preparing Rhetoric To Encourage Attacking Immigrants? Rhetoric From Bill O'Reilly & Tom Coburn Seems To Indicate That It Is!
Obama Bows To The Corporate Power Structure (Who Appear To Be Mostly GOP) Set Up By Bush To Control The Government, Like Moffs In The Empire (Star Wars), Despite The Fact That Obama Had The Influence To Indict The GOP By His Third Year (This Is His 6th)
Finally, Proven Beyond A Shadow OF A Doubt, ... Democrats Are Cowards