If students are not taught critical thinking skills (with a well rounded education so they have basic knowledge of history, politics, sophism, economics etc.) THEN despotism has a good chance of establishing itself.
By keeping students unable to think critically, you get adults who can't think critically (or have any ability to evaluate facts from lies). These adults will accept whatever thier chosen authority source tells them.
Democracy Now: New Iraq Oil Law To Open Iraq’s Oil Reserves to Western Companies
Democracy Now: The Halliburton Agenda: The Politics of Oil and Money
Halliburton got $7B in no-bid Iraq contracts
During Vice President Dick Cheney's tenure as its chief executive, the Halliburton Corporation altered its accounting policies so it could report as revenue more than $100 million in disputed costs on big construction projects, public filings by the company show. Halliburton did not disclose the change to investors for over a year.
Vice President Dick Cheney’s stock options in Halliburton rose from $241,498 in 2004 to over $8 million in 2005, an increase of more than 3,000 percent, as Halliburton continues to rake in billions of dollars from no-bid/no-audit government contracts.
Why do we not have more information on the Iraq Oil War?
Answer: We fine whistle blowers now since the Bush Administration!
Fired Army Whistleblower Receives $970K for Exposing Halliburton No-Bid Contract in Iraq
State Dept. Seeks Firing of Peter Van Buren, Whistleblower Who Exposed Wasteful Iraq Projects