This post just provides an accurate overview of some of the things we are learning about, about the Bush Administration's lies about their secret - and ineffective - torture program (many "security" officials from that Administration are still in charge of our "security"). This post continues to look at the top down trend that is making our country look more like a third world country.
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse talks with Rachel Maddow about why he believes the Senate report on Bush-era CIA torture had to be released and what should be done as so much of the report pertains to current policy and personnel.
Keep in mind that these policies on torture was cancelled by executive order by Obama:
It's disturbing to think that if the GOP return to the White House we could easily get a repeat of the Bush Administration. Torture is only banned by executive order, Dick Cheney made a ton of money through Halliburton in Iraq (obviously he would want to invade again), not to mention the possibility of another "9/11" happening just so they can invade Iran - as the right has been pushing for a while (& their base is primed for blood)... there'a also the fact that Dick Cheney knew Iraq would fall apart if he invaded...
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