I thought this would be a good time to remind us how we have a constitutional government (one with rights that can only be enforced by transparency AND accountability) - or supposed to - agencies walking around dictating whether a report about them should or should not be published is not something to be expected in a democracy but in a dictatorship. Next, I'll look into news report videos. This is just an introduction into federal government investigation issues.
Faith in police flags with long record of failed indictments
Rachel Maddow shows that where statistics exist, the record of law enforcement organizations from the FBI to the NYPD investigating their own conduct shows a result that does little to help flagging public confidence in objective justice.
ACLU chief recommends pardoning Bush administration officials for torture
Rachel Maddow reports on an upcoming op-ed in the New York Times from ACLU executive director Anthony Romero, arguing that President Obama should at least pardon Bush officials for torture to establish that torture is a crime that needs a pardon.
The sheer madness of this sudden turn towards torture;
CIA shift to torture from productive interrogation puzzles
Rachel Maddow tells the story of how al Qaida member Abu Zubaydah was interrogated into giving useful information until contractors were sent in to torture him, at which point he ceased to be productive.