Video: Obama's Immigration speech
Transcript: Obama’s immigration speech
Background & Analysis Videos
GOP’s influencers push for another government shutdown, this time over immigration
Rachel Maddow reports on how the Heritage Foundation is pushing Republicans to retaliate against President Obama’s immigration plan with a government shutdown just like the one Heritage helped orchestrate in 2013.
Vindicating win for hard-pressing advocates seen in Obama immigration plan
Cristina Jiménez, co-founder and managing director of United We Dream, talks with Rachel Maddow about how advocates’ direct action helped propel President Obama to move on immigration reform despite a recalcitrant Congress.
Americans support plan, if not planner, finds immigration poll
Rachel Maddow shows the contradiction in public opinion polls showing broad support for the path to citizenship laid out in President Obama’s upcoming immigration plan, but considerably less support for President Obama’s immigration plan.
TV networks turn backs on Obama immigration announcement
Rachel Maddow notes that while many Americans may not realize that President Obama’s immigration plan contains policy ideas they support, the major TV networks will not help resolve that confusion because they declined to carry the announcement live.
History exposes GOP immigration outcry as bogus
Rachel Maddow reviews instances of Presidents Reagan and H.W. Bush taking executive action on immigration, contrary to anti-Obama Republicans who insist that President Obama’s proposed action in the absence of a bill from Congress is unprecedented.
GOP employs selective memory on immigration
John Stanton, Buzzfeed DC bureau chief, talks with Rachel Maddow about the extent to which Republican animosity toward President Obama biases them against policies, like immigration reform, that they might otherwise support.
Obama ignores threats by incensed Republicans on immigration
Alan Gomez, USA Today immigration reporter, talks with Rachel Maddow about an expected plan from the White House to protect several million immigrants from deportation as Republicans sputter with rage and immigration activists press for more.
President Obama says he’s not backing down from taking executive action to prevent millions from deportation. Now the GOP is threatening a lawsuit and a government shutdown. Rev. Sharpton talks to Joan Walsh and Ed Rendell for reaction.
Border Bill (To protect our borders against people entering from 'terrorist connected countries')
A highway funding bill (Our infrastructure is crumbling)
Emergency Unemployement Insurance
Student Loan Relief
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Summary; Congress is not following Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution i.e. they are not doing their job in outright defiance of their role outline in the Constitution!
What did Congress do this year?
They are suing the President over his "Selective implementation of the affordable care act"! Something which is blatant hypocrisy as Jon Stewart explains...
An Outline Of Shutdown Costs & Weirdness We Experienced During The Last Shutdown
Watch a flag-wearing GOP Congressman berate a park ranger for doing her job--VIDEO.
GOP Rep. Tells CNN Anchor: 'You're Beautiful But You Need to Be Honest As Well'
America’s Women Hate the Government Shutdown, Blame Republicans (there's a pattern of behavior here)
John Oliver explains the electorally invincible strategy behind unpopular Congressional actions.
Tom Hanks lauds veterans who stormed WWII Memorial.
Dear Congress, You’re screwing basically everybody. Sincerely, MoJo
Lessons from history (History really does repeat itself, unless you are aware of it):
How Bill Clinton Shamed Republicans For Shutting Down The Government In The '90s (VIDEO)
Government "Slimdown" & POTUS Meeting -Fox News calls the shutdown a "slimdown," and President Obama neglects to tell Congress that shutting down the government is bad. (02:40) :
Republican Strategy: If Something Doesn't Go Well Blame The Obama. You Can Do It The Very Next Day, It Always Works! (Southern Strategy Gone Amuck)
Moment of Zen - Michele Bachmann & The World War II Memorial - "The Reason I Jump" goes to number one and Michele Bachmann engages in the political theater of decrying political theater. (01:02) :
Amusing Short Outlines Of Blatant GOP/FoxNews Hypocrisy
By decreasing the social services available to lower incomes you have a break down of society at the social level of the lower to middle income class. This causes a great deal of stress on the economy and family structure of a country.
Breaking Down Society & Social Structures Leads To Anarchy AND Violence
{Debt Ceiling History Example} The GOP's/FoxNews's Primary Goal Is To Do Anything To Win Elections INCLUDING Destroying The Economy If Necessary!
The GOP have been destroying the economy & opposing their own bills JUST to oppose Obama!
A Bloomberg report reveals that the U.S. government loaned banks $7.7 trillion in secret bailout funds at no interest and then borrowed the money back at interest.
Saved by the bailout, bankers lobbied against government regulations, a job made easier by the Fed, which never disclosed the details of the rescue to lawmakers even as Congress doled out more money and debated new rules aimed at preventing the next collapse.
A fresh narrative of the financial crisis of 2007 to 2009 emerges from 29,000 pages of Fed documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act and central bank records of more than 21,000 transactions. While Fed officials say that almost all of the loans were repaid and there have been no losses, details suggest taxpayers paid a price beyond dollars as the secret funding helped preserve a broken status quo and enabled the biggest banks to grow even bigger.
‘Change Their Votes’
“When you see the dollars the banks got, it’s hard to make the case these were successful institutions,” says Sherrod Brown, a Democratic Senator from Ohio who in 2010 introduced an unsuccessful bill to limit bank size. “This is an issue that can unite the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street. There are lawmakers in both parties who would change their votes now.”
The size of the bailout came to light after Bloomberg LP, the parent of Bloomberg News, won a court case against the Fed and a group of the biggest U.S. banks called Clearing House Association LLC to force lending details into the open.
The Fed, headed by Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, argued that revealing borrower details would create a stigma -- investors and counterparties would shun firms that used the central bank as lender of last resort -- and that needy institutions would be reluctant to borrow in the next crisis. Clearing House Association fought Bloomberg’s lawsuit up to the U.S. Supreme Court, which declined to hear the banks’ appeal in March 2011.
$7.77 Trillion
The amount of money the central bank parceled out was surprising even to Gary H. Stern, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis from 1985 to 2009, who says he “wasn’t aware of the magnitude.” It dwarfed the Treasury Department’s better-known $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP. Add up guarantees and lending limits, and the Fed had committed $7.77 trillion as of March 2009 to rescuing the financial system, more than half the value of everything produced in the U.S. that year.
Faced with the grim prospect of being held financially accountable, lawmakers come together and cripple a bill aimed at more transparent government...
From The Guardian: When this financial crisis began nearly four years ago the story seemed simple. The banks were broke and they told our leaders that unless the taxpayers bailed them out and took their private debts on to the public account, then the world would end. Our politicians believed them. We took on huge debts and bailed out the banks. Right or wrong, at least the story seemed straightforward: they owed us huge sums of money. Then as the crisis continued, a new group most of us had never heard of appeared – the bond holders. It turned out the banks owed huge sums to the bond holders too, and so did we. The story of who owed whom began to change.
Gradually the story became less about the banks owing us money and more about owing the bond holders.
It seems to me that our governments and their financial advisers from the banks have a double standard when it comes to debt and its repayment; one which greatly benefits the financial world and punishes the taxpayer.
On the one hand, the debts of private banks and those who own that debt, the bond holders, are being protected from any losses by the publicly funded bailouts. Public debt, on the other hand, at the insistence of the same banks and bond holders we have bailed out, is being paid down at breakneck speed, no matter what the cost in unemployment and the destruction of social services.
From Dallas News: Texas child abuse, neglect deaths soar 31 percent
From the "Center for Public Policy Priorities": PDF Document showing that "Compared to Other States, Texas Has A Higher Rate Of Child Deaths from Abuse and Neglect"
An even more common pattern...
Rick Perry saved the entire Texan economy using Federal Money but he couldn't help sick kids?...
Stimulus-Hating Gov. Rick Perry Used Stimulus to Balance Texas Budget
Gov. Rick Perry used federal stimulus money to pay 97 percent of Texas's budget shortfall in fiscal 2010--which is funny, because Perry spent a lot of time talking about just how terrible the stimulus was. In fact, Texas was the state that relied most heavily on stimulus funds, CNN's Tami Luhby reports.
"Even as Perry requested the Recovery Act money, he railed against it," Luhby writes. "On the very same day he asked for the funds, he set up a petition titled 'No Government Bailouts.'" It called on Americans to express their anger at irresponsible spending.
Thanks to the stimulus funds, Texas didn't have to dip into its $9.4 billion rainy day fund. Still, now that the stimulus is spent, Texas, like many other states, is facing severe cuts--$31 million must be carved from the budget.
History exposes GOP immigration outcry as bogus
Rachel Maddow reviews instances of Presidents Reagan and H.W. Bush taking executive action on immigration, contrary to anti-Obama Republicans who insist that President Obama’s proposed action in the absence of a bill from Congress is unprecedented.
GOP employs selective memory on immigration
John Stanton, Buzzfeed DC bureau chief, talks with Rachel Maddow about the extent to which Republican animosity toward President Obama biases them against policies, like immigration reform, that they might otherwise support.
Rachel Maddow shares new reporting on a system set up by Republicans to use Twitter to share campaign information indirectly so as not to violate rules about candidates collaborating with outside groups.
Notice how Bobby Jindal tries the "it's the liberal shutdown" like the GOP did last time - as out lined above - (delusions of grandeur?) BUT beforethe echo chamber takes effect AND before the GOP begins to look bad (as shown above). It just looks crazy. This may suggest thatBobby Jindal has been reading my blogs in which case we can surmise that Chuck Todd is one of those who believes the GOP is going to win and are simply siding with the ones they believe is going to win (I may be wrong here though).
Daily Show: Guardian of the Amnesty - President Obama considers taking executive action on the immigration crisis, and Republicans threaten impeachment and another government shutdown. (8:34)
Colbert Report : Obama's Immigration Plan - Esteban Colberto
President Obama moves to prevent the deportation of millions of immigrants, and Stephen's Mexican colleague Esteban Colberto offers his analysis. (6:49)