The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian Tribes;
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
GOP Corruption
AT 4:30: Republicans have sent the last 6 years breaking up Government and now they can run on the anger generated by breaking our Government.
The above image is from here... "The Senate Banking Committee quizzes JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon on the efficacy of Dodd-Frank and measures he would take to prevent future catastrophic bank losses"...
Interesting past crimes...
Sex For Oil Scandal At Interior Department (CBS/ AP) Government officials handling billions of dollars in oil royalties engaged in illicit sex with employees of energy companies they were dealing with and received numerous gifts from them, federal investigators said Wednesday. The allegations of bad behavior involve 13 government employees in Denver and Washington, reports CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson. Those accused are workers who sell U.S. mineral rights to oil companies. Such sales are one of the government's biggest sources of revenue besides taxes. But the Inspector General for the Interior Department says they rigged contracts, and engaged in illegal moonlighting, drugs, sex and gift-taking from oil company representatives, according to three reports released Wednesday. The reports revealed startling allegations including that an employee attended a so-called "treasure hunt" in the desert with all expenses paid by an oil producer, and that a former supervisor - who bought cocaine from a colleague then boosted her performance award - had sex with subordinates, and steered government contracts to an outside business where he also worked, Attkisson reports.
Days Before Scandal, Interior Got Ethics Award Oh, the irony. Just before the Department of Interior's inspector general released reports that laid bare the oil-and-sex scandal in the department's oil royalties office this week, Interior won an annual award from the federal Office of Government Ethics, The Post's Mary Pat Flaherty and Derek Kravitz report. The inspector general said Wednesday that federal officials in the Mineral Management Service's royalty-in-kind program allegedly were plied with alcohol and expensive gifts from industry representatives, and in some cases had sex and did drugs with them. The Denver-area office takes in roughly $4 billion each year in oil and natural gas reserves from companies drilling on federal and Indian land and offshore.
Billions Missing From U.S. Indian Trust Fund In his testimony before Congress, John Echohawk, director of Native American Rights Fund, called it "yet another serious and continuing breach in a long history of dishonorable treatment of Indian tribes and individual Indians by the United States government." Arizona Senator John McCain, the chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, bluntly called it "theft from Indian people." These men were describing the single largest and longest-lasting financial scandal in history involving the federal government of the United States. With no other recourse left at their disposal, NARF, along with other attorneys, filed a class action lawsuit in federal district court on June 10 on behalf of more than 300,000 American Indians. The suit charges Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt, Assistant Interior Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs Ada Deer and Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin with illegal conduct in regard to the management of Indian money held in trust accounts and managed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. If the lawsuit's claims are correct, and there's an overwhelming body of evidence that suggests they are, then the federal government has lost, misappropriated or, in some cases, stolen billions of dollars from some of its poorest citizens.
Once Again Congress Is Successful In Protecting It's Shady Insider Trading Deals
Washington D.C., TARP & Homeowners Nonsense Explained In 3 Videos & 1 Image
The Financial Crisis Explained In 3 Videos (Only one is over 7 minutes)
4 Videos Under 7 Minutes Illustrating Congress In Full
The Case for Indicting the Murdochs for Treason (*as per The US Constitution)
Case for Indicting The GOP for Treason for The "Paul Ryan Plan" (*As Per The US Constitution)
Breaking Down Society & Social Structures Leads To Anarchy AND Violence
Basically, rather than face the GOP on truth the Dems have chosen not not to...
On Topic - Political Parties - The Democratic Party: Stephen knows that when someone misbehaves, it's natural to assume that person is a Democrat.
It must be tough for Republicans to love America so much but hate almost three-quarters of the people living in it. (08:54)
Mitch McConnell One Of The Most Shameless Liars The GOP Has (though at this point it's hard t find truth tellers amongst the GOP & it's media wing Fox News)
An outright lie not covered by the media, sad but true...
Armadebtdon 2011 - Men of a Certain Rage - Republicans abdicate the "doing s**t" part of debt ceiling responsibility to Obama, but retain the "complaining about the guy doing s**t" part for themselves. (3:29):
2. "The reason default is no better idea today than when Newt Gengrich tried it in 1995, is it destroys your brand [i.e. America's credit rating] and would give the president the opportunity to blame Republicans for bad economy" - Defaulting was seriously tried by Newt in 1995.
3. "Look, he owns the economy. He's been in office almost 3 years now and we refuse to let him entice us into co-ownership of a bad economy" McConnel - The co-ownership is referring to the United states economy.
Important Republican Party Position: McConnel admits that making sure Obama is a one term President is his primary political goal. This means that the worse the economy is the better chances are that Obama will be a one term president.
The GOP's/FoxNews's Primary Goal Is To Do Anything To Win Elections INCLUDING Destroying The Economy If Necessary!
An Example of the GOP's Crazy Lies On ObamaCare VS State Health Care
Tributes To Past Meanness...
1. Here's a tribute to a few Republican senators who find comfort and advantage in invoking the heroes of 9/11 but refuse to give them health care.
2. Republicans Block 9/11 Health Care Bill: Republican senators refuse to vote on the 9/11 health care bill until wealthy Americans receive an engraved notification that their taxes won't go up.
3. The Daily Show: National Legislators' Unearned Vacation - Despite a growing list of unresolved crises, Congress spends the final hours before summer recess deciding to sue President Barack Obama. (5:53):
Border Bill (To protect our borders against people entering from 'terrorist connected countries')
A highway funding bill (Our infrastructure is crumbling)
Emergency Unemployement Insurance
Student Loan Relief
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Summary; Congress is not following Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution i.e. they are not doing their job in outright defiance of their role outline in the Constitution!
What did Congress do this year?
They are suing the President over his "Selective implementation of the affordable care act"! Something which is blatant hypocrisy as Bush did the same thing.
Individual Mandate In Context Of Ron Paulian Politics (It's just GOP hypocrisy);
Keep in mind that the Individual Mandate has been around for a long time (it's to help equalize things as per the Bill Of Rights). Even in Ron Paul's Presidential Plan there was no attempt to START with cutting anything connected to the Individual Mandate because of the 'problem of dependency' i.e. The individual mandate is what all social programs to help people are based on... removing it is like pulling out the entire foundation of medicare or social security on which many people depend to survive - GOP policies are aimed at LITERALLY killing American Citizens (the poor ones - a sort of survival of the fittest which Bill O Reilly calls "life is not fair").
Arguing against the Individual Mandate would be even more hypocrisy... which is why a conservative judge endorsed it...