Turns Out The Debt Argument Of Tom Coburn's Is Based On A Disproven Theory (Which Should NEVER have Become Mainstream in The First Place Because Of It's Lack Of Rigorous Testing)
1. An Introduction To Tom Coburn's Deceptions - The Tornado Shelter Decoys
2. Keystone XL: Tom Coburn Betrays Citizens Private Property Rights For A Private Company
Answer = Yes!
Austerity's Spreadsheet Error - Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff's 2010 debt study inspires austerity around the world, but grad student Thomas Herndon debunks the results. (07:43):
What Tom Coburn seems to be doing is trying to sell fake economics to the people...
Austerity's Spreadsheet Error - Graduate student Thomas Herndon identifies little staggering omissions in a prominent academic paper, "Growth in a Time of Debt." (04:19):
General Inconsistencies In Tom Coburn's Argument (Quick Intro)
Revenue + Expenditure = A State ... the example of Kansas;
Tom Coburn consistently says that the Federal Government is wasting money (Politico: Tom Coburn rips up symbolic credit card) while consistently leaving out the fact that he voted for TWO unfunded wars (i.e. Revenue + Expenditure = A State i.e. he is part of the debt "problem").
On raising the debt ceiling OR 'putting the debt ceiling in context':
Miscellaneous article: 10 Things the GOP Doesn't Want You to Know About the Debt
{Debt Ceiling History Example} The GOP's/FoxNews's Primary Goal Is To Do Anything To Win Elections INCLUDING Destroying The Economy If Necessary!
GOP's Economic Theories - Disproven Under George Bush - Continue To Be The Basis For Their Policies PROVING GOP Are An Ideological Party & Not A Reasonable One