Making The Government Smaller To Reduce The Probability Of Corruption & Misuse Of Power
After much research and consideration I have decided to pursue the abolishing of up-to 5 departments of the Federal Government. Some studies may need to be done. A timeline may need to be set. But reducing the size of the Federal Government, known for using it's power to betray the people in some way or the other, is what Liberal Libertarianism is about, i.e. making it good for the people while making sure the system is set up so bad people won't be able to have too much power should they take over. Since I have thought and posted about the following policies allot, these are the ones I have decided to endorse. But implemented at a pace that is best for the people.
Basically, upto a point Government is reasonable and functions within the spirit of the Constitution. After a certain point (such as when legalized bribery is allowed to flourish unchecked... and not to mention war crimes) Government becomes a burden and thus unconstitutional. The National Security Act of 1947, which may have allowed us to kill the British King and definitely allowed us to destabilize Iran and hide the memo about Pearl Harbor proving we knew about the attack before it happened (god knows what else that man did... intentionally not bomb a beach to kill the maximum amount of soldiers possible? Was the atom bombing of Japan - twice without a demonstration - even necessary or just a bad President making vengeful decisions? Should anyone have this much power?)..., is an example of an unconstitutional policy that allows corruption to take root and flower by proving no transparency for a the "elite decision makers" and no means to fix a problem since the media is bought and will never tell the whole truth, just little snippets of it that harm the country more than it helps it. They've become very good at deceiving the people and themselves and media should be considered the primary threat to our democracy after the National Security Act of 1947.
Basically, upto a point Government is reasonable and functions within the spirit of the Constitution. After a certain point (such as when legalized bribery is allowed to flourish unchecked... and not to mention war crimes) Government becomes a burden and thus unconstitutional. The National Security Act of 1947, which may have allowed us to kill the British King and definitely allowed us to destabilize Iran and hide the memo about Pearl Harbor proving we knew about the attack before it happened (god knows what else that man did... intentionally not bomb a beach to kill the maximum amount of soldiers possible? Was the atom bombing of Japan - twice without a demonstration - even necessary or just a bad President making vengeful decisions? Should anyone have this much power?)..., is an example of an unconstitutional policy that allows corruption to take root and flower by proving no transparency for a the "elite decision makers" and no means to fix a problem since the media is bought and will never tell the whole truth, just little snippets of it that harm the country more than it helps it. They've become very good at deceiving the people and themselves and media should be considered the primary threat to our democracy after the National Security Act of 1947.
- Whistleblower Situation: Financial Whistleblowers Get Rewards While Government Whistleblowers Get In Big Trouble (Why nothing gets exposed - about the Government - anymore)
The source of the inspiration for Liberal
According to Ron Paul's plan...
SPENDING: Cuts $1 trillion in spending during the first year of Ron Paul’s presidency, eliminating five cabinet departments (Energy, HUD, Commerce, Interior, and Education), abolishing the Transportation Security Administration and returning responsibility for security to private property owners, abolishing corporate subsidies, stopping foreign aid, ending foreign wars, and returning most other spending to 2006 levels.
I have covered 4 of the 5 departments Ron Paul wants to abolish in past posts (links below), showing that these departments that he wants to close are filled with scandal and inefficiency and, after going through these articles, I'm sure you'll agree with Ron Paul that the United States is better off without these departments. (Note: I haven't covered the Department of Commerce because Obama himself wants to shut that department down in his consolidation of the Government)
Dept of Interior: Corruption In The Department of the Interior
Dept. of Energy: Corruption In The Department Of Energy / The Keystone Pipeline Scandal /Unequal Democracy
Dept. of Education: The State of US Education / Problems With No Child Left Behind Act (Bad policies stay forever!)
SPENDING: Cuts $1 trillion in spending during the first year of Ron Paul’s presidency, eliminating five cabinet departments (Energy, HUD, Commerce, Interior, and Education), abolishing the Transportation Security Administration and returning responsibility for security to private property owners, abolishing corporate subsidies, stopping foreign aid, ending foreign wars, and returning most other spending to 2006 levels.
I have covered 4 of the 5 departments Ron Paul wants to abolish in past posts (links below), showing that these departments that he wants to close are filled with scandal and inefficiency and, after going through these articles, I'm sure you'll agree with Ron Paul that the United States is better off without these departments. (Note: I haven't covered the Department of Commerce because Obama himself wants to shut that department down in his consolidation of the Government)
Dept of Interior: Corruption In The Department of the Interior
Dept. of Energy: Corruption In The Department Of Energy / The Keystone Pipeline Scandal /Unequal Democracy
Dept. of Education: The State of US Education / Problems With No Child Left Behind Act (Bad policies stay forever!)
- The Anti-Science Party (GOP) 3 - GOP Lacks The Intelligence To Understand Scientists... Thus Their Mantra Is "I Am Not A Scientist"
- GOP's War On Education 1 : An Off-Shoot Of It's War On Truth? (Examples Of Texas & Arizona)
- GOP's War On Education 2 : An Off-Shoot Of It's War On Truth? (Example Of Oklahoma)
Dept. of Commerce (Obama Already Consolidated It)
R.I.P., Department of Commerce? President Obama Seeks to Consolidate Government AgenciesThe Department of Commerce will celebrate its 109th anniversary this year, having been created in 1903. And if President Obama gets his way, the agency won’t make it much past 110. Announcing this morning that he is seeking authority to streamline the executive branch, President Obama said he needs the same kind of “authority that every business owner has to make sure that his or her company keeps pace with the times. And let me be clear: I will only use this authority for reforms that result in more efficiency, better service, and a leaner government.”
As an example, the president wants to shut down the Department of Commerce, taking its core functions and giving them to a new agency that will also fold in the tasks of the Small Business Administration, the U.S. Trade Representative, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the Trade and Development Agency and the Export-Import Bank.
Note: In each of these cases these departments exist on both the Federal AND State levels of Government. Just getting rid of the Federal ones NOT THE STATE ONES is what Ron Paul is talking about. That is what I support her, i.e. taking away direct Federal control from the State level to various degrees, gradually. That's what public discussions are for.
Having duplicate departments in the Federal Government is not only pointless but technically it's unconstitutional as the President is ONLY supposed to be involved in keeping the economy stable AND Foreign Policy NOT State administration... using a Lord Of the Rings metaphor... having Federal Departments for Departments that ALREADY EXIST at the State level is like 'having one ring to control them all'.
R.I.P., Department of Commerce? President Obama Seeks to Consolidate Government AgenciesThe Department of Commerce will celebrate its 109th anniversary this year, having been created in 1903. And if President Obama gets his way, the agency won’t make it much past 110. Announcing this morning that he is seeking authority to streamline the executive branch, President Obama said he needs the same kind of “authority that every business owner has to make sure that his or her company keeps pace with the times. And let me be clear: I will only use this authority for reforms that result in more efficiency, better service, and a leaner government.”
As an example, the president wants to shut down the Department of Commerce, taking its core functions and giving them to a new agency that will also fold in the tasks of the Small Business Administration, the U.S. Trade Representative, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the Trade and Development Agency and the Export-Import Bank.
Note: In each of these cases these departments exist on both the Federal AND State levels of Government. Just getting rid of the Federal ones NOT THE STATE ONES is what Ron Paul is talking about. That is what I support her, i.e. taking away direct Federal control from the State level to various degrees, gradually. That's what public discussions are for.
Having duplicate departments in the Federal Government is not only pointless but technically it's unconstitutional as the President is ONLY supposed to be involved in keeping the economy stable AND Foreign Policy NOT State administration... using a Lord Of the Rings metaphor... having Federal Departments for Departments that ALREADY EXIST at the State level is like 'having one ring to control them all'.
Jon Stewart Videos (Daily Show) Exposing Corruption
- Criminals On Wall Street Are Treated Like Kings
- College Girl Puts Beltway Media To Shame By Rightfully Slamming Jeb Bush For Lying About ISIS NOT Being An Offshoot Of His Brothers Polices
- Fox News Uses Traumatic Imagery To Induce Fear In Its Viewers & Then Tries To Get Them To Vote For Them!
- Jon Stewart: Huh I Guess It Is Pretty F#@kin Weird That We Fly A Flag In Honor Of A Pro-Slavery Secessionist Army
- Jon Stewart Points Out That Obama Was Following An Agreement Bush Signed When He Withdrew From Iraq (Which GOP Are Claiming Is The Reason For The Creation Of ISIS)
- Daily Show: CIA Study Confirms That The CIA Has Never Successfully Armed Anyone (Kinda)
- Daily Show: A Look At Elections & The Comparatively Saner Democratic Process In The UK
- Jon Stewart Catches Netanyahu for Repeating What He Said About Iran From 1996 While Others Reminds Us He Helped Dick Cheney Mislead Us Into A War With Iraq
- The Daily Show Completely Exposes Fox News As Hypocrites On Benghazi & Ferguson
- Jon Stewart Alters A Koch Brothers' Advertisement To More Accurately Reflect Their Questionable Practices
- Whistleblower Situation: Financial Whistleblowers Get Rewards While Government Whistleblowers Get In Big Trouble
- Jon Stewart to Eric Bolling: 'F*** you and all your false patriotism.'
- Jon Stewart Smashes Dick Cheney On His Outright Hypocrisy On Iran (Includes Jeb Bush)
- Daily Show Humiliates Both Sides Of "The 47 Traitors" Debate While Accidentally Proving One Side Fights For Peace (Democrats) & The Other Side Fights For War (GOP)
- Jon Stewart Purposely Proves That The GOP Is A "War Party" & Seeks To Limit Presidential Power For Peace But Seeks Unlimited Presidential Power For War
- Jon Stewart Introduces The Fox News Definition Of Socialism AND Meet The Swedes In Thier Lavish Socialist Democracy
- Jon Stewart: The Republicans' Refusal To Accept Any Tax Increases To Help America Out Of Debt Is Like A Doctor Believing Strictly In Magic To Cure A Patient
- Daily Show: CIA Study Confirms That The CIA Has Never Successfully Armed Anyone (Kinda)
- Daily Show: A Look At Elections & The Comparatively Saner Democratic Process In The UK
- Jon Stewart Catches Fox News Being Hypocrites Towards The Left During The Charleston Shooting Debate
- Jon Stewart: Huh I Guess It Is Pretty F#@kin Weird That We Fly A Flag In Honor Of A Pro-Slavery Secessionist Army
- Daily Show: Oklahoma Suffers A Bizarre Surge In Earthquakes Following A Rise In Fracking
- The Daily Show Slams Fox News & It's Allies For Covering Up Facts & Trying To Overexpose One Fact As The Only Fact That Matters (Whenever It Suits Their Needs, Proving Outright Hypocrisy)
- Daily Show: Media Has Reduced Complex Issues Into Meaningless Debates
- Daily Show: Fox News's Bill O'Reilly draws criticism for his past war reporting, and intelligence suggests that Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu misled the U.N. about Iran's nuclear program.
- The Ultimate Collection Of 50 Fox News Lies Exposed By The Daily Show & Backed By Politifact
- Jon Stewart: We Should Set The GOP Adrift On An Ice Flow For Thier Iraq War Lies
- Jon Stewart: The Republicans' Refusal To Accept Any Tax Increases To Help America Out Of Debt Is Like A Doctor Believing Strictly In Magic To Cure A Patient
- Baltimore On Fire: Jon Stewart Discusses The History Of Social Unrest In America
- The Daily Show Completely Exposes Fox News As Hypocrites On Benghazi & Ferguson
- Daily Show To CNN, MSNBC & Fox News: I Wish You Were Drunk Cause That Would Explain Your Coverage
- The Daily Show Slams Fox News & It's Allies For Covering Up Facts & Trying To Overexpose One Fact As The Only Fact That Matters (Whenever It Suits Their Needs, Proving Outright Hypocrisy)
- Jon Stewart Smashes CNN, MSNBC, & Fox News For Their Hypocrisy In Misleading The Public Over The Iraq War & Not Admitting It
- Jon Stewart Slams The GOP On Being Consistently WRONG About Iraq
- Jon Stewart Eviscerates The GOP On Pushing To Fight Wars But Ignoring The Soldiers When They Return
- Jon Stewart Smashes Dick Cheney On His Outright Hypocrisy On Iran (Includes Jeb Bush)
- Daily Show: Was The 9/11 Commission Compromised? (Answer is YES!)
- The Daily Show Smashes Ex-Judge Andrew Napolitano's Credibility On History
- The Free Market Explained: Jon Stewart Humiliates A "Free Market Conservative" For Faulty Logic
- Daily Show Makes Fun Of CNN's Pro-Marijuana Stance (Includes All 3 CNN Documentaries On Marijuana)
- Daily Show & Larry Wilmore Take A Look At The Politics Around "Ted Cruz For President"
- Jon Stewart Smashes Jim Cramer and Exposes Stock Market Shenanigans
- Jon Stewart Slams The Media for Continuing To Not Report Properly on The Iraq War... AGAIN!
- Jon Stewart Slams Fox News's False Patriotism In It's Use Of It's Anti-Obama Echo Chamber
- Jon Stewart Eviscerates Netanyahu For Pulling A Mitt Romney By Revealing His Core Beliefs
- Jon Stewart Demonstrates How Megyn Kelly Uses Inflection To Alter The Meaning Of A Report
- Jon Stewart Gets Irritated At Hillary For The Silly & Unnecessary Email Scandal
- Jon Stewart: Fox Is Nothing But A Rush To Judgement In Almost Every Situation
- Jon Stewart Slams James Inhofe For Pointing At Snow As Proof For No Global Warming Like A Five Year Old Might Do
- Jon Stewart Describes Republican's Non-Scientific Denial On Climate Change As The "LA LA LA LA LA LA LA" Tactic
The best path forward seems to be a balanced country with a transparent Government from top to bottom... as outlined by the Encyclopedia Britannica below (outlined at a time, in our silent past, when people began to realize that WW2 had caused damage to our country's Government, as the cartoon below illustrates).
First, The Problem;
The above cartoon outlines the basic structure of religious and economic freedom that the United States had in the 1950's (when people began to realize stuff was broken and had to be fixed but could only say it in cartoons... maybe). The structure is somewhat different now but in the years after WW2 as the kids were scared under tables to protect themselves from a nuclear strike (shheesh!) and adults in a few areas began a scramble to explain to everyone - in the USA and abroad - what the US's "freedoms" are. Now, with the emergence of a global civilization (for the first time in millinia), I think it is necessary to reassess how we are structuring Freedom of choice as... War cracks freedoms .... Freedoms must be replenished ... one of the effects of war is that it makes taxes too high for a healthy economy and important resources get mis-distributed and have to be fixed after the war time is over (if not fixed then you get a oligarchical economy of some sort).
Second, The Solutions;
Despotism (1946 Encyclopedia Britannica educational film)
This is an old documentary by Encyclopedia Britannica that provides a way for a person to measure the levels of democracy and despotism in a society. This documentary is made in 1946 in collaboration with Harold D. Lasswell PhD of Yale University a political scientist. Harold D. Laswell PhD begins with the statement, "Avoid the comfortable idea that the mere form of government can of itself safeguard a nation against despotism. He then encourages a person to look beyond fine words and noble phrases and to use a couple of scales as yardsticks to measure the levels of democracy or a tyrannical government (called "despotism") that may exist in a community."
Notes to keep track of the lessons in the above video (quotes *& images are taken directly from the film):
You can measure any community on this simple scale;
You can measure any community on this simple scale;
Be careful NOT to assume that the 'mere form of a government can guard you against despotism'.
Germany was a Republic and yet a despotic ruler was able to take root (i.e. Hitler).
A competent observer looks beyond fine words and noble phrases. [even Hitler used fine words and noble phrases - You look instead at history, actions, behaviour results of policies (and who was the controller behind the scene NOT just the face of an action)... Then follow the dots into the present using a holistic perspective]
Two yardsticks have been proven to help any community to discover how close it is to despotism;
Germany was a Republic and yet a despotic ruler was able to take root (i.e. Hitler).
A competent observer looks beyond fine words and noble phrases. [even Hitler used fine words and noble phrases - You look instead at history, actions, behaviour results of policies (and who was the controller behind the scene NOT just the face of an action)... Then follow the dots into the present using a holistic perspective]
Two yardsticks have been proven to help any community to discover how close it is to despotism;
The Respect Scale
As a community moves towards despotism, respect is restricted to fewer people (such as restricting respect to ONLY members of a small group or one political party). A community is becoming despotic is respect is withheld from a large group of people on account
of thier political attitudes. (such as persecution because someone is wealthy, of a different race or religion etc.).
The ability of every citizen to better themselves (and educate themselves) is another important measurement of determining the level of respect in society.
The opportunity to develop useful skills is important but not enough as the opportunity to put such skills to use (make a living) is another important measurement on the respect scale.
of thier political attitudes. (such as persecution because someone is wealthy, of a different race or religion etc.).
The ability of every citizen to better themselves (and educate themselves) is another important measurement of determining the level of respect in society.
The opportunity to develop useful skills is important but not enough as the opportunity to put such skills to use (make a living) is another important measurement on the respect scale.
The Power Scale
This scale is useful to determine the citizens share in making decisions for thier community.
When decision making is left in a few hands (or compiled into a huge bill so that there is at least one issue you feel so strongly for that you have to vote for it even if other aspects of the bill is bad for the community/country - then you have limited choice {and have been tricked!}) THEN the community is moving towards despotism. Today, a community can move towards despotism by allowing power to become concentrated in the hands of a few.
The test of despotic power is that it can disregard the Will of The People.
Despotism can be official AND unofficial.
When decision making is left in a few hands (or compiled into a huge bill so that there is at least one issue you feel so strongly for that you have to vote for it even if other aspects of the bill is bad for the community/country - then you have limited choice {and have been tricked!}) THEN the community is moving towards despotism. Today, a community can move towards despotism by allowing power to become concentrated in the hands of a few.
The test of despotic power is that it can disregard the Will of The People.
Despotism can be official AND unofficial.
The spread of respect and power in a community can be measured using the following 2 scales;
Economic Distribution
Economic Distribution
If a communities economic distribution becomes slanted then it is moving towards despotism.
If middle income groups grow smaller, then despotism has a better chance to gain a foothold.
One sign of a move towards a despotic society is the concentration of land in the hands of a few people.
If middle income groups grow smaller, then despotism has a better chance to gain a foothold.
One sign of a move towards a despotic society is the concentration of land in the hands of a few people.
When farmers lose thier farms they lose thier independence.
In communities that depend on almost on a single industry (such as a factory or mine) will have find that maintaining economic balance is a challenging problem
In communities that depend on almost on a single industry (such as a factory or mine) will have find that maintaining economic balance is a challenging problem
Tax Burden
Another sign of a poorly balanced economy is a taxation system that presses heaviest on those least able to pay. Larger amount of a poorer person's income is spent on food, so sales taxes press heaviest on the poor and middle class.
The Information Scale
A community rests low on the information scale when the press/media is controlled by a few people and when citizens HAVE TO accept what they are told.
If students are not taught critical thinking skills (with a well rounded education so they have basic knowledge of history, politics, sophism, economics etc.) THEN despotism has a good chance of establishing itself.
By keeping students unable to think critically, you get adults who can't think critically (or have any ability to evaluate facts from lies). These adults will accept whatever thier chosen authority source tells them.
If students are not taught critical thinking skills (with a well rounded education so they have basic knowledge of history, politics, sophism, economics etc.) THEN despotism has a good chance of establishing itself.
By keeping students unable to think critically, you get adults who can't think critically (or have any ability to evaluate facts from lies). These adults will accept whatever thier chosen authority source tells them.