GOP Voted Against 7 Bills to Help Veterans
Senate GOP Blocks Veterans Benefits Bill
Republicans Care About Vets So Much That They Blocked a Bill Expanding Veterans Benefits
Senate GOP Blocks Veterans Bill To Get Sanctions On Iran!
The GOP blocks bill to help veterans
Despite Sarah Palin’s promise to call out those who use veterans as political pawns, Republicans play politics with bill to help vets. Sen. Bernie Sanders and on Soltz discuss.
Message From A Vet For The GOP & Fox News
Colbert Report: The New Deal - Jonathan Chait - Jonathan Chait believes the New Deal was successful because it eased people's misery. (5:21):
Rachel Maddow discusses how the conservative media has built a narrative based on what people want to hear, not on the facts, about President Obama’s nominee for Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Bogus story exposes risks of conservative ‘invented news’ - Rachel Maddow shows the right-wing hypocrisy on prostitution scandals when the political advantage is in their favor, and points out the danger of the conservative movement’s preference of their own version of news instead of real news.
An Overview Of How The GOP & Fox News Define "Socialism" by The Colbert Report (backed by news sources)
GOP's Economic Theories - Disproven Under George Bush - Continue To Be The Basis For Their Policies PROVING GOP Are An Ideological Party & Not A Reasonable One
The GOP & It's Lying Media Wing (Fox News) EXPOSED
Introduction To The Class Warfare Being Waged by The GOP & Fox News On America
US: Our Court System Is Divided On Party Lines!